CreamPie (Taxi driver)


Thorkill of the Great Bear son of Ragnar Lothbrok Housecarl of His Royal Highness High King of Dane

2 (393 / 900)

cpm (~0 wpm)

0.00 cpm (~0 wpm)


0 text(s)

I will make known my ancestry to one and all: I came from a mighty family of Mercian stock; my grandfather was Ealhelm, a wise ealdorman, a son of a great warrior of the house of Lothbrok. I came from the fight where I had bound five, destroyed a family of giants, and at night in the waves slain water-monsters, suffered great pain, avenged an affliction of the Weather-Geats on those who had asked for trouble - ground enemies to bits. I will always fight before my lord and avenge him of his death and i will not flee one foot step from the battlefield. I swear by my ancestors that my sword will serve my lord well.


12 Nov 18 15:40 New car added to garage. (Ferrari 458 Italia)

5 Sep 18 10:57 New title: Taxi driver

5 Sep 18 10:57 You increased your max speed! Your new record is 407 cpm (~82 wpm)!

3 May 18 08:12 You increased your max speed! Your new record is 399 cpm (~80 wpm)!

5 Apr 17 08:11 Received the Medal: 5 hours of races

4 Apr 17 08:39 You increased your max speed! Your new record is 382 cpm (~77 wpm)!

4 Apr 17 08:32 You increased your max speed! Your new record is 373 cpm (~75 wpm)!

18 Feb 17 09:40 Received the Medal: Played 3 days running

17 Feb 17 10:01 You increased your max speed! Your new record is 368 cpm (~74 wpm)!

17 Feb 17 09:32 You increased your max speed! Your new record is 367 cpm (~74 wpm)!


Game statistics


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The First Finished Race

3 races running without errors

Played 3 days running

100 finished races

50 finished races 

30,000 symbols done

5 hours of races

1 hour of races


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