aizah2wins (Novice)


aizah  2wins

1 (0 / 300)

cpm (~0 wpm)

0.00 cpm (~0 wpm)


0 text(s)

my name is aizah.i am 16 years old. i was born in malaysia. my dad is pakistani, while my mom is indian.i have a twins named aziah. 5 sibling,4 girls one younger brother.


17 May 13 13:10 You increased your max speed! Your new record is 166 cpm (~34 wpm)!

8 May 13 16:23 You increased your max speed! Your new record is 161 cpm (~33 wpm)!

15 Apr 13 14:17 You increased your max speed! Your new record is 159 cpm (~32 wpm)!

15 Apr 13 14:17 Received the Badge: 3 races running with increasing level of the best speed

14 Apr 13 05:26 You increased your max speed! Your new record is 137 cpm (~28 wpm)!

14 Apr 13 05:26 New title: Novice

14 Apr 13 05:26 Received the Badge: 2 races running with increasing level of the best speed

14 Apr 13 05:23 You increased your max speed! Your new record is 93 cpm (~19 wpm)!

14 Apr 13 05:23 New title: Pedestrian

14 Apr 13 05:23 Received the Badge: The First Finished Race


Game statistics


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2 races running with increasing level of the best speed

3 races running with increasing level of the best speed

The First Finished Race

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