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What is the rating?

Rating - is the total number of points/experience earned by the player during the current period. The period is one month. It’s mean that each month a player has a chance to become a leader!

Also the rating shows the change of player’s position accordingly to the previous game period.

Attention! Each month the TOP players will receive some prizes! This month the prize for the 1st place is 20 Booster Points!

Other TOP players will get 18 booster points for 2nd place, 16 for 3rd, 14 for 4th, etc.


rating period


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Customers rating

# Customer Points Prize
2 ↑ 1 Chippy =^.^= User car 155594 pts. +20 boost pts.
3 ↑ 2 Twinkle User car 127155 pts. +18 boost pts.
5 ↑ 3 songalag nae goyang-i User car 70755 pts. +16 boost pts.
-2 ↓ 4 Jeremiah 29:11 User car 8136 pts. +14 boost pts.
-4 ↓ 5 Hello SupportZebra User car 6051 pts. +12 boost pts.
6 Saging Hinog User car 5564 pts. +10 boost pts.
-3 ↓ 7 turbocepec User car 4117 pts. +9 boost pts.
18 ↑ 8 User car 3361 pts. +8 boost pts.
2 ↑ 9 hello User car 2075 pts. +7 boost pts.
4 ↑ 10 Jevelath User car 1742 pts. +6 boost pts.
17 ↑ 11 feathers User car 1696 pts.
-3 ↓ 12 Jeff User car 1558 pts.
7 ↑ 13 Incandescent Ordeal User car 913 pts.
8 ↑ 14 Saphira Marie User car 685 pts.
10 ↑ 15 His Majesty The Royal Highness High king of Dane Kaiser Stew von Siggurdson of the House of Gilgam User car 674 pts.
14 ↑ 16 Aladeeen Ekkmhed User car 641 pts.
31 ↑ 17 Martyr Logarius the Crown of Cainhurst Executioners User car 614 pts.
-8 ↓ 18 Erza Scarlet User car 534 pts.
-12 ↓ 19 Wintermelon User car 534 pts.
-5 ↓ 20 Turtle Racer User car 486 pts.
-4 ↓ 21 arabelle User car 437 pts.
-9 ↓ 22 marine33 User car 357 pts.
23 TyperJetist User car 350 pts.
-8 ↓ 24 Racer X User car 317 pts.
25 aiza User car 259 pts.
27 ↑ 26 tihonua User car 253 pts.
27 Adonis Castro User car 148 pts.
28 simplyme User car 145 pts.
29 woaini User car 135 pts.
-12 ↓ 30 Black Swan User car 109 pts.
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