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What is the rating?

Rating - is the total number of points/experience earned by the player during the current period. The period is one month. It’s mean that each month a player has a chance to become a leader!

Also the rating shows the change of player’s position accordingly to the previous game period.

Attention! Each month the TOP players will receive some prizes! This month the prize for the 1st place is 20 Booster Points!

Other TOP players will get 18 booster points for 2nd place, 16 for 3rd, 14 for 4th, etc.


rating period


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Customers rating

# Customer Points Prize
31 arvinddddd User car 53 pts.
32 sulis setiawati User car 47 pts.
1 ↑ 33 SiwatTheFlash User car 46 pts.
-1 ↓ 34 Jay User car 46 pts.
35 WIIXAnd User car 43 pts.
36 Madeleine Diep User car 40 pts.
37 Siti Zahara User car 39 pts.
38 sunny thakur User car 39 pts.
39 jpimentel User car 37 pts.
40 Jammy User car 36 pts.
41 nabila anggriani User car 35 pts.
42 husseinali User car 34 pts.
1 ↑ 43 vika nabila User car 32 pts.
-1 ↓ 44 buyolitsez User car 32 pts.
4 ↑ 45 Maxim Lixakov User car 31 pts.
-1 ↓ 46 lickington User car 31 pts.
-1 ↓ 47 Uli Basa Ria User car 31 pts.
-1 ↓ 48 Jeramie_Red User car 31 pts.
-1 ↓ 49 snow_pine User car 31 pts.
50 Michailus1 User car 28 pts.
1 ↑ 51 konstantin.konov User car 27 pts.
-1 ↓ 52 aboscatto User car 27 pts.
53 Amit Dhankhar User car 26 pts.
54 vu pro User car 25 pts.
1 ↑ 55 Nurul Fadila Adetya Putri User car 24 pts.
-1 ↓ 56 IQ Fred User car 24 pts.
1 ↑ 57 adarsh m User car 23 pts.
-1 ↓ 58 febriana pardosi User car 23 pts.
59 Windi wiranda User car 22 pts.
60 Arjun N P User car 21 pts.
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