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What is the rating?

Rating - is the total number of points/experience earned by the player during the current period. The period is one month. It’s mean that each month a player has a chance to become a leader!

Also the rating shows the change of player’s position accordingly to the previous game period.

Attention! Each month the TOP players will receive some prizes! This month the prize for the 1st place is 20 Booster Points!

Other TOP players will get 18 booster points for 2nd place, 16 for 3rd, 14 for 4th, etc.


rating period


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Customers rating

# Customer Points Prize
31 crazy bob User car 183 pts.
32 Prince Sepe User car 153 pts.
33 Erza Scarlet User car 134 pts.
-24 ↓ 34 turbocepec User car 132 pts.
-13 ↓ 35 T-Raww Tyga User car 123 pts.
36 Beast Hunter User car 119 pts.
37 Scott Scotty User car 115 pts.
38 Sergej Lysionok User car 110 pts.
39 gszw User car 86 pts.
40 mister_ awesome User car 70 pts.
-15 ↓ 41 Trickster User car 69 pts.
42 Nippy User car 64 pts.
43 mrsybarra User car 54 pts.
44 Beast_Hunter User car 51 pts.
45 Wintermelon User car 51 pts.
-5 ↓ 46 slowhands User car 51 pts.
2 ↑ 47 Cornier Than Corny User car 46 pts.
48 The Punisher User car 38 pts.
49 toonistic User car 36 pts.
2 ↑ 50 Marshall Law User car 35 pts.
51 sunnyday User car 34 pts.
52 paisleydog User car 34 pts.
53 sophiegilliland User car 31 pts.
54 Prince Dee User car 23 pts.
-11 ↓ 55 President Prime Minister Admiral General KEYBOARD GOD Aladeen MADAFAKAS ̿̿ ̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) 凸 User car 20 pts.
56 Xiao Lee User car 19 pts.
57 i_am_not_jane User car 18 pts.
58 sneha singh User car 15 pts.
-30 ↓ 59 Justin Adrian Soriano User car 13 pts.
-25 ↓ 60 Lighting Mcqueen User car 13 pts.
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