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What is the rating?

Rating - is the total number of points/experience earned by the player during the current period. The period is one month. It’s mean that each month a player has a chance to become a leader!

Also the rating shows the change of player’s position accordingly to the previous game period.

Attention! Each month the TOP players will receive some prizes! This month the prize for the 1st place is 20 Booster Points!

Other TOP players will get 18 booster points for 2nd place, 16 for 3rd, 14 for 4th, etc.


rating period


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Customers rating

# Customer Points Prize
61 Practice User car 21 pts.
62 Gerkall User car 21 pts.
63 Valentin Spasov User car 20 pts.
64 Mr.Haloween123 User car 19 pts.
65 luzc6776 User car 15 pts.
66 Grzegorz Nowak User car 14 pts.
67 Emil F-ev User car 13 pts.
68 bankss User car 13 pts.
69 Kira User car 12 pts.
70 terracrawford User car 12 pts.
71 Ahmed Saygili User car 12 pts.
72 Lord_Chomi User car 11 pts.
73 Cəlal İbrahimxəlilov User car 10 pts.
74 Poncho Sanchez User car 10 pts.
75 Marmilllka User car 10 pts.
76 ovosile User car 8 pts.
77 Niranjan Ramesh User car 7 pts.
78 buttholeyfrgthy6ef User car 7 pts.
79 Adam Wiwc User car 5 pts.
80 j.henry4312 User car 5 pts.
81 Shell Next Us Mark User car 5 pts.
82 junemoon User car 4 pts.
83 Antdog User car 4 pts.
84 Lipanek Pandowski User car 3 pts.
85 Neepa Sangani Vakharia User car 3 pts.
86 jm User car 3 pts.
87 suhasa010 User car 3 pts.
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