Site news
28.04.13 We have started to change our design. Step by step you you'll see the new modern layout.
08.04.13 Only "Qwerty"? - No! "Colemak" and "Dvorak"? - Yes!
Studying opportunities have grown! Now, you can learn Dvorak and Colemak typing along with the good old QWERTY.
Choose the layout right under the virtual keyboard.

27.03.13 The training process has become more enthralling! We added various missions! So playing them you can earn extra points.
10.02.13 Typing speed Titles are in use now! Know more about them "About > FAQ section"
03.02.13 We added "Logbook". So, now you can always remember all your achievements.
28.01.13 Use your favorite social networking service (Google, Twitter or Facebook) to login!

12.01.13 We added a lot of new bonuses! Collect them all! You can find them on the "Profiles > Bonuses" page. Hover mouse on the bonus and know what you should do to get it.

10.12.12 Brag online with our userbars! Copy the userbar code to a forum, blog, or your personal website to let everyone know your achievements at!

30.11.12 Keeping in touch with the statistics is easier now for all registered users. Your stats are updated right as a game is finished and you will see it in a real time!

24.11.12 We added service of short links. Now it's much easier to invite friends to games! You can find this block in the race page.

18.11.12 Now you can look at your Mistakes statistic. Go to "Profile -> Statistic".
17.11.12 Online the typing speed is also measured in WPM - Word Per Minutes. Words per minute, commonly abbreviated WPM, is a measure of input or output speed. For the purpose of typing measurement a word is standardized to five characters or keystrokes, including spaces and punctuation.
Now your typing speed will be displayed in two types: symbols per minute and WPM.
07.11.12 The process of playing games has changed a lot. Now all games have some modes:
Simple race — A game with no limits. Type as you can.
No mistakes! — You can do only one typing mistake, if more - the game is over.
Marathon — It is a hard typing test. You will type a text for 5 minutes.
27.10.12 We refused to use "Awaiting players" time for "Open" games and added the possibility to start a game in 15 seconds.
05.10.12 Your opinion is very important for us! Post your comments!. We will do our best to make this site better!
04.10.12 Watch the races! Look at the race as a spectator. If you late to join to race as a racer, join as a spectator (Such races will have "Race" label instead of time counter).
02.10.12 Finally we migrated to the new VPS server! Site became faster! Mail us if you find any errors:
01.10.12 We've just updated the statistic rating. Look how your average speed grows.
14.09.12 Typing has become much easier with our new layout!
31.08.12 Also, don't forget to read a new article
30.08.12 Hey! Look at your rating!
21.08.12 Create games with different options! Read
30.07.12 Typing Lessons are here!
27.07.12 Microsoft IE 6 and 7 no longer supported
12.07.12 More and More texts! Enjoy!
03.07.12 Typing practice lessons are coming in July